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Blest Jewellery Company

天然珍珠, 水晶珠寶首飾,

專業珠寶設計專店 (since 2010)

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Facebook /Instagram:blest jewellery company

Contact: +852  96031258  /54169863 (Ms. Winci Pak)

Contact Us

Blest Jewellery is made by professional designers, with very good reputation for brand quality and taste. Our Jewellery helps our clients feel confident and beautiful. The Jewellery is made with Natural freshwater pearl, colorful semi precious stones, 925 Sterling silver with unique artistic designs. They will bring perfect embellishment to your life. Heartfelt blessing.

Blest Jewellery是原創的珠寶公司 本公司由專業設計師創造獨特的首飾, 以品質,品格和品味打造個性化的品牌。 並以顧客為中心,提供令他們散發個人自信和魅力的首飾,演繹出女性別具一格的美。 每件皆經過獨特設計,配以時尚質優而且瑰麗色彩的天然珍珠及寶石而製成,使之成為生活中不可或缺的完美點綴。也籍此奉上衷心祝福。